- 连接池是什么?它的实现原理?
- 连接池需要自动处理 Connection Reset 这类错误吗?为什么?不需要,上层做
- When to use connection pool? typical usage?
- https 有什么区别吗?
TCP keep-alive 和 HTTP keep-alive
- TCP keep-alive: 每隔一段时间,一端发一个会 keep alive 的包,如果收到回复,则认为连接正常。
- HTTP keep-alive: 超过多少次或者超时才会关闭连接
HTTPS 看起来是在 TCP 和 HTTP 中间加了一层 TLS/SSL
ConnectionPool Overview
- 当连接出现问题,连接池会废弃掉这个连接
- 当出现 Connection Reset 等错误,连接池没有义务自动重试,一般应用应该允许偶然出现的 Connection
- 连接池技术大概有 10 年之久了,非常成熟
Connection Reset Simulation
start a server which supports persistent connections.
from werkzeug.serving import WSGIRequestHandler
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
return 'hello world'
WSGIRequestHandler.protocol_version = "HTTP/1.1"
capture packet using tcpdump
# capture packet send to/by port 5000(only fin/syn packet)
sudo tcpdump -i lo port 5000 and "tcp[tcpflags] & (tcp-fin|tcp-syn) != 0"
create a client, send one get request (see tcpdump output)
import requests
s = requests.Session()
url = ''
intercept packet and kill server
# add an iptables rule:
# intercept all packet sended from port 5000
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --source-port 5000 -j DROP
# restart server
# Ctrl-C and start, or use kill
# lookup all OUTPUT rules
sudo iptables -L OUTPUT --line-numbers
# delete iptables rule
sudo iptables -D OUTPUT 1
use http client to send another GET request
# it will raise:
# ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', error(104, 'Connection reset by peer'))
13:22:43.728133 IP localhost.35126 > localhost.5000: Flags [P.], seq 2568123039:2568123183, ack 2754994964, win 359, options [nop,nop,TS val 3406097304 ecr 3405909308], length 144
13:22:43.728157 IP localhost.5000 > localhost.35126: Flags [R], seq 2754994964, win 0, length 0